Application Insights
Application Insights
Query traces = LogInformation
When logging information at the backend code with logger.LogInformation
it will be available via Application Insights traces if we have configured the SeriLog
to do this.
internal static void InitializeLogger(this LoggerConfiguration loggerConfiguration, WebHostBuilderContext hostingContext)
var serilogSettings = new SerilogSettings(hostingContext.Configuration);
.Enrich.WithProperty("Application", "Gateway.Api")
.WriteTo.Console(theme: SystemConsoleTheme.Colored)
.WriteTo.ApplicationInsights(serilogSettings.InstrumentationKey, TelemetryConverter.Traces);
traces | where message startswith "Search string to look for.." | order by timestamp desc
It is possible to group-by alsi for advanced queries:
traces | where operation_Name == 'Receiver' | where message startswith "Upserted the Entity" | order by timestamp desc ;
traces | where operation_Name == 'Receiver' | where message startswith "Processing Entity" | order by timestamp desc ;
traces | where operation_Name == 'Receiver' | where message startswith "Processing Entity" | where customDimensions.prop__actionCode == 'Add' | order by timestamp desc ;
traces | where operation_Name == 'Receiver'| where message startswith "Processed messageId: " | order by timestamp desc
| summarize count() by tostring(customDimensions.prop__rootName)
KQL search tips
To search exceptions custom dimensions when the EventId
is an object and we want to search for matching Id
within this object.
| extend eventId = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.EventId))
| extend id = eventId.Id
| where id == 3001 or id == 2001
| extend eventId = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.EventId))
| extend id = eventId.Id
| where id == 3001 or id == 2001 or id == 1001
KQL - How to search with message template
If logging is done in the following way via the code:
"Completed to import {ItemCount} from files: {@JsonFileNames}, for archive: {FileName}",
result.Count, fileNames, input.BlobName);
then you can search by using the message template in following way:
| where timestamp > ago(10d)
| where operation_Name == 'NameOfTheOrchestrator'
| extend messageTemplate = customDimensions["prop__{OriginalFormat}"]
| where messageTemplate == 'Completed to import {ItemCount} from files: {@JsonFileNames}, for archive: {FileName}'
| order by timestamp asc