CosmosDb SQL API

How to query Azure cosmosDb with main document filtering

The source document is in following format:

    "Name": "10451164",
    "Type": "Component",
    "Revision": "1",
    "Modified": "2021-10-17T07:10:24",
    "Originated": "2015-12-22T18:35:08",
    "Attributes": [
            "Name": "Additional Sales Description",
            "Unit": null,
            "Value": "LONG TEXT VALUE - OVER 2000"
            "Name": "Sales Description Free Text",
            "Unit": null,
            "Value": "LONG TEXT VALUE - OVER 2000"

Query syntax to filter based on main document attribute

SELECT c.Name, c.Revision, c.Type, LENGTH(t['Value']) AS AttributeValueLenght
JOIN t IN c.Attributes
WHERE LENGTH(t['Value']) > 2000


        "Name": "10451164",
        "Revision": "1",
        "Type": "Component",
        "AttributeValueLenght": 2014
        "Name": "10451164",
        "Revision": "1",
        "Type": "Component",
        "AttributeValueLenght": 2014

How to query or filter based on array value:

FROM c IN c.Attributes
WHERE LENGTH(c['Value']) > 2000

How to count all documents within container

Counting example with property filtering

SELECT count(1) FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'Item'


        "$1": 1234567890

Microsoft documentation - SQL API

Getting started with SQL queries