Create alerts via Bicep
Create alerts via Bicep
It is possible to automate alert deployment with bicep
. This leverages the Microsoft.Insights/scheduledQueryRules@2018-04-16
and custom AI query.
To store info for the alerts TelemetryCleint
can be used in a following way:
// Trigger alert by logging a custom event in AppInsights
eventName: "APP.Entities.NotReceived",
properties: new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "InternalId", attachment.Id.ToString() },
{ "Name", entity.Name },
{ "Number", entity.Number },
{ "DocumentType", entity.Document.Type },
Automate deployment of this alert rule via bicep
resource api_entities_notReceived_alert 'Microsoft.Insights/scheduledQueryRules@2018-04-16' = {
name: '${}-entitiesNotReceived-${global.environment}'
location: '${global.location}'
properties: {
displayName: '${}-entitiesNotReceived-${global.environment}'
description: 'It seems that not all entities have been delivered to the APP. \n\nPlease investigate what is the cause to this.'
enabled: 'true'
source: {
query: 'customEvents\n| project timestamp, \n name,\n DocumentType = tostring(customDimensions["DocumentType"]),\n InternalId = customDimensions["InternalId"],\n Name = customDimensions["Name"],\n| where name == "APP.Entities.NotReceived"\n| order by timestamp desc, DocumentType desc'
dataSourceId: resourceId('microsoft.insights/components', naming.appInsights)
queryType: 'ResultCount'
schedule: {
frequencyInMinutes: 5
timeWindowInMinutes: 5
action: {
'odata.type': 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Alerts.Models.Microsoft.AppInsights.Nexus.DataContracts.Resources.ScheduledQueryRules.AlertingAction'
severity: '2'
actionGroup: array(resourceId('microsoft.insights/actionGroups', naming.actionGroup))
emailSubject: '[${toUpper(global.environment)}] APP - Entities are missing'
trigger: {
threshold: 0
thresholdOperator: 'GreaterThan'